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Hysterectomy Overview

Overview | MIVH | LAVH | TVH | TAH | Radical Hysterectomy | LH | LSH | HALS

The removal of the uterus (womb) is one of the most common types of surgery performed in women. It is one way of treating problems affecting the uterus. Some problems are benign (not cancer), and others are cancer. Some have symptoms that cause discomfort or abnormal bleeding while others may have life threating conditions. This surgery can now be performed as an outpatient without an incision.

Recovery is quick with the MIVH method. Ovaries and tubes (and occasionally the appendix) can also be removed vaginally if necessary. Hysterectomy is a major surgery. You may need to undergo LAVH, TVH, TAH, or Radical Hysterectomy. All of these would require longer recovery. Before you decide if it is right for you, get as much information as you can. Risks can include injury to the bladder, urethra, ureter, vessel, bowel, anesthetic reactions and death (like in most major surgical procedures).

Alternatives that might be available to you include uterine ablation, intrauterine balloon therapy, myomectomy, or uterine artery embolization. Details of these alternatives can be discussed with Dr. Turrentine and many times hysterectomy can be avoided.

Some conditions can be treated without this procedure. For others, it is the best choice.

vagina surgery recovery time after hysterectomy radical abdominal hysterectomy

Vagina Surgery | Recovery Time After Hysterectomy | Radical Abdominal Hysterectomy